We will be happy to assist you with international shipments. Please contact our Sales Team at (800) 333-9354.
Can I track my order?
Yes. You should receive tracking information via email when your order ships. The status of the shipment should be available 4 hours after your order ships. If you did not receive the tracking information with your shipping notice, please contact our Sales Team at (800) 333-9354.
Do you ship to business/commercial addresses?
Yes, we ship to business and commercial addresses. Please include business name, recipient name, business address including any suite and/ or floor number and a business phone number. When shipping to hospitals, colleges or large companies, we will only guarantee delivery to the shipping and receiving area of the delivery address.
What days of the week do you ship?
May – September, we ship Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (for orders with a transit time of 2 days or less). We do this to ensure your order does not sit in a hot carrier warehouse over the weekend mid-transit. October – April, we ship Monday – Friday.
How long will it take for my order to ship?
We require 72 hours to process an online order but most orders ship in 24 hours.
Are you able to ship in the summer?
Yes, we ship during the summer months. When shipping these specific chocolate confections: 1) Toffee; 2) Truffles, and 3) Chocolate Covered Chewy Pralines during warm months (typically June – September), cool packaging materials and expedited shipping are required at an additional charge. We do this to ensure that your order arrives in the condition it […]